Tag: Achilles Tendon Rupture

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Achilles Tendon Injuries: Risk Factors & Treatments

Achilles Tendon Injuries: Risk Factors & Treatments

While the achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the body, it also encounters a lot of stress on a daily basis, as well as during athletic activities that involve running, jumping, or sudden changes in direction. This makes the achilles tendon fairly susceptible to injuries in both high-performance athletes and regular people....

Keeping Our Achilles Tendon Healthy

Keeping Our Achilles Tendon Healthy

The Achilles tendon consists of fibrous tissues that connect the calf muscles to the heel bones. It is cushioned by bursae, which are small sacs of fluid at the heel. In terms of size and strength, the Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body. A pull is felt by the heel...