How You Can Start Preventive Measures Against Osteoporosis

How You Can Start Preventive Measures Against Osteoporosis

As the years go by, our bones become fragile and susceptible to osteoporosis, a condition that affects millions worldwide. 

Osteoporosis poses a serious threat, leading to debilitating fractures and a diminished quality of life. But contrary to popular belief, this bone-weakening condition is not exclusively confined to the elderly and can strike at any age. Thus, prevention is key. 

Keep reading for preventative measures recommended by orthopaedic doctors.

1. Have a balanced diet

Have a balanced diet-orthopaedic doctor

A well-balanced and nutrient-rich eating plan plays a vital role in fortifying our bones and reducing the risk of fractures. These are the key nutrients to load up on: 

  • Calcium

An adequate intake of calcium throughout life helps to build strong bones and maintain bone density. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and cheese are excellent sources of calcium. However, if you are lactose intolerant or prefer non-dairy options, plant-based milk, tofu, and almonds can also provide significant amounts of calcium.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in calcium absorption and utilisation. Although our bodies can naturally produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, it can also be obtained from dietary sources. Fatty fish and egg yolks are good sources of vitamin D. If necessary, vitamin D supplements may be recommended by an orthopaedic doctor, especially if you get limited sun exposure or have specific medical conditions.

  • Protein

Protein is not only vital for muscle growth and repair, but also for maintaining bone health. Our bones require a steady supply of protein to support the continuous process of bone remodelling. Good sources of lean protein include poultry, fish, lean meats, and beans. 

2. Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly-ankle fracture

Regular physical activity enhances overall health but also plays a crucial role in building and maintaining strong bones. These are the recommended exercises: 

  • Weight-bearing exercises

Walking, running and jumping rope are some weight-bearing exercises that require your body to work against gravity, stimulating bone cells to build new bone tissue and improve bone density. 

  • Resistance training 

Resistance training involves using external resistance such as free weights, resistance bands, or weight machines to challenge and strengthen muscles. Engaging in resistance training exercises not only improves muscle strength and tone, but also places stress on the bones to enhance overall bone health. 

  • Balance and stability exercises

Incorporating balance and stability exercises into your routine is crucial for preventing falls and fractures. Exercises such as yoga and pilates focus on improving balance, coordination, and core strength. These activities help to enhance muscle control and stability, reducing the likelihood of falls and injuries like an ankle fracture

Learn more: 6 Common Types of Ankle Surgery an Orthopaedic Doctor Performs

3. Make lifestyle changes

Make lifestyle changes-orthopaedic doctor in Singapore

Making conscious decisions to modify certain habits creates an environment that fosters bone health and reduces the risk of fractures. These are some lifestyle changes to make: 

  • Quit smoking

Smoking interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium, reduces estrogen levels (which are vital for bone health), and inhibits bone-forming cells, leading to decreased bone density and increased risk of fractures. Quitting smoking is important, as it allows your bones to thrive without the damaging effects of tobacco. 

  • Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and vitamin D, disrupts hormone production, and impairs the function of bone-building cells. These factors collectively contribute to decreased bone density and an increased risk of fractures. It is recommended to limit alcohol consumption to moderate levels, which means up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.

  • Go for regular checkups 

Regular checkups with an orthopaedic doctor in Singapore are invaluable in the prevention and management of osteoporosis. They can assess your risk factors, provide guidance on lifestyle modifications, and recommend appropriate interventions if necessary. 

4. Take medications

Take medications- orthopaedic doctorMedications play a pivotal role in preventing osteoporosis, offering specific interventions to enhance bone health. These are the pharmacological options delivered in the forms of oral medications or injectables that are available: 

  • Bone-forming drugs

Bone-forming drugs work by stimulating the activity of bone-forming cells called osteoblasts. They promote bone formation and increase bone density, and are typically recommended by orthopaedic doctors for individuals with severe osteoporosis or those at high risk of fractures. 

  • Antiresorptive drugs

These medications work by slowing down or inhibiting the activity of cells that break down bone, helping to preserve bone density and reducing the risk of fractures. Orthopaedic doctors typically prescribe them to postmenopausal women and individuals at risk of osteoporotic fractures. 

Fight Osteoporosis With Knowledge and Action

Specialist Orthopaedic Centre offers comprehensive care and advanced treatments that address the underlying causes of osteoporosis while prioritising patient well-being.

Our resident doctor, Dr Kannan Kaliyaperumal, is dedicated to helping patients seek relief from osteoporosis so they can go back to living their lives to the fullest.

Learn more: 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Orthopaedic Surgeon

Do not let osteoporosis hold you back — visit an orthopaedic doctor near you today.

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